Take a look at Capricorn reading for 121 Tarot

Capricorn (1-2-1 Tarot)

10th sign of the Zodiac, Cardinal Element Earth,  Tarot Significators The Devil & The World

3 Card Reading  – Rider Waite Tarot Pack


Capricorns can expect to have a year filled with opportunity and chance coming their way.

The First card out of the Pack is the card of the Magician.  The Magician Card represents your “Higher Self” and you will be given the opportunity this year to go higher than you have ever been before in your life.   The Opportunity to use your best talents, to create a magical life this year will arise.  You will find yourself with the Wand in your own hand being able to plan your own destiny.

The Magician in his Golden Robes with the sun behind him beaming down on all he touches.  Before him lies a table containing a Golden Cup, a Sword, a Pentacle and a Wand.   This year Capricorns you get to eat drink and be merry, as money and power flows through you.  

Queen of Swords (2nd Card).

The Queen of Swords (air sign) is upright on her Throne with her Sword proudly before her in the upright position, ready to cut through stress and strife and meet her fears head on.  She wears a flowing White Dress and flowers in her hair which are adorned with Butterflies.

In a man’s reading the Queen of Swords can represent the partner in his life.   In a woman’s reading the Queen of Swords can represent a woman who is forthright with her views and who is blocking you from having what you want.

The Queen of Swords loves to gossip and if you find yourself the Queen of Swords this Year be extra careful who you confide in.   The Queen of Swords,  is predominately an honest person around you.  You may not always like what they say to you, but they speak the truth.  The Queen of Swords also has the ability of looking at all sides of the picture and drawing her own conclusion.  This year will see you looking at everything around you in your life and see you making tough decisions that will change your life this year.   You will find yourself making tough but fair decisions this year.    If you have been dithering about what to do, this coming year will see your mind will clear and you will find yourself moving forward.


The Tower Card (3rd Card)

Lightning strikes a stone tower bringing it tumbling down, and crumbling to dust.  The Foundations are rocked and flames erupt out of the top window.  There are two people falling out of the tower but they have nothing to fear for their landing is going to be soft and carefree

The Tower Card represents Sudden Changes, fast changes, things that were old and outdated  holding you back will now come tumbling down allowing you to see the world through a new set a eyes.

You can expect outdated matters in your life to change, and once the change has happened you can expect to get back on your feet and build a bigger and better new and shiny Tower again.

The Tower Card is also good for relationships, if you have had a traumatic time lately then the worst has now happened and you can expect new and exciting love opportunity to quickly sweep you off your feet.

Expect the unexpected when the Tower appears but never fear the change embrace it for this year you will the full force of the Tarot bringing good and unexpected things that you desire to you.


There are also two Influences working with you on this tarot reading, which govern your Star Sign.

The Devil & The World Card.  Capricorns can find themselves chained to lovers, and situations in their life that they know are not good for them but out of a sense of duty they stay put.

This year the Devil Card is telling you to break free accept the changes that the World Card offers you.  There is a great big world out there waiting for you and this is the year where you can find the strength and the opportunity to go and stake your claim to a wonderful life.

For those Capricorns struggling to make those changes, a Tarot Reading will help you unlock your fears and personalise your future plans.  This is too big an opportunity to miss out on  – so call today and find out how you can tap into all that is going on around you.

Susie 0175

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