Setting up a psychic barrier to increase positive energy

Setting up a psychic barrier to increase positive energyWhilst a love psychic reading can help you find answers to questions of the heart, we should all be aware that negative psychic forces can be out there too. These may not harm us greatly, but these negative forces can drain our energy and affect our ability to be creative and productive.

A great way to shield our psychic selves against negative energies is to out up a psychic barrier. Certain people, places and situations that we meet everyday can leave us feeling drained, and of course it is not advisable, necessary or convenient for you to avoid these entirely. This is where a psychic barrier comes in.

A psychic barrier can lift our spirits and ensure that our energy levels remain high throughout the day, and there are two key ways to create one. First, imagine a bright ball of white light in front of you, let it grow, and then let the light encompass you with positive energy.

A second way is to imagine a flame. Particularly good at getting rid of negative energy, visualise the flame getting bigger and then let your body absorb it, drawing its energy into your own.


Image Credit: kkalyan (

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